Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Santa comes to town

If it's December 6th, then it must be Mikolaj! Hurrah.... for the biker Santas! On Saturday the Rynek reverberated to the gentle sound of motor bike engines, as the bikers of Krakow roared their way round, let people see, touch and even climb on the bikes, handed out sweets -and then went on their way to the children's home. What a great idea and what fun!

I was told about this event by one of the bikers who I know and I have to say that my main concern was that I wouldn't recognise him in a Santa suit. I was rather depending on recognising his wife. However, he saw me before i spotted him and he even gave us each a choccie bar. Just the ticket to slow down the hunger pangs!
Right now the Rynek has the Christmas market and there is a wonderful atmosphere. I love to wander round and if you are interested then head to the end, near the Nativity stage, where there is the most wonderful stall. It sells cheeses from Zakopane. Smoked cheese that is grilled, and served with blueberry jam. Just out of this world ....sooooo delicious and definitely one of my favourites. Then head back and quench your thirst with a mulled wine.

Alternatively, go to Sw. Marka and look for a rather well-hidden pub called Non-Iron. No, I'm not kidding - that really is its name. It is very small, easy to miss but well worth the search. It serves some tasty beverages, the majority of which are Czech! I sampled a couple of different ones, including one with kolendra in it. That's coriander to you. It was my favourite of the weekend.

And now it's the working week again. Having had a good weekend with a cousin from Poznan, this is now a tad flat - but it's only days to do till we're off to Transylvania for Christmas....so really don't expect anything to appear her for a while now please! Next installment will be from the Christmas break!

Tuesday, 2 December 2008

First snows!!!

Hurrah - we did have November snow, so I as very happy - at least for three days. But as you can guess, it all disappeared and now it's just yucky damp and rather cold. But November was so quick anyway that we are now starting to pack up. We've rented out the apartment fro when we leave here and there are a few boxes lying around looking pathetic.

We have discovered that the only place to do self-storage is in Warszawa so we are taking the boxes up there en route to family for Sylwester. We'll need a party after the hassles of deciding what to box, what to post and what to take in a suitcase.

I'm dreading the 'move'. I have now decided that this is positively that LAST time I am involved with boxes at Christmas time. NEVER again. From now on we 'move' after Christmas - preferably mid=year!!!!!

This coming weekend one of my cousins is coming to stay - it'll be great fun as the last tme we saw her was at New Year 2007!!!! As I recall that occasion involved apple juice and vodka and ....well it's all a bit hazy!!!! This is the return match! Better late than never.
The Christmas market is up in the Rynek. I love the atmosphere so much. I really get into the spirit of Christmas just wandering round the stalls and looking at all the lovely things on sale. I'll take my camera down this weekend when Aga is here and take piccies. I must also take pics of trams and strangely mundane things like that. Otherwise no-one at home will believe me when I try to describe what I've seen. It's unfortunate that I have to leave my photo albums here - but at least all the pics are on my laptop! Whew!!!!
OK - so look out for photos of markets etc then nothing till after our holiday in Romania, wioth our old pal, Vlad!