Well, it's been some time since the last post - where to start? We went to Edinburgh for a long weekend to catch up with elder son (now starting PhD research) and other family members. It was great to see the place but I'd hate to live there. Such a Nanny state!
In addition, we ended up giving a Pole directions to the bus station!!!! We also saw Polish pet shop, hairdressers, credit facilities and newspapers!! Weird. Mind you, Princes Street now has a beautiful Adventsmarkt. It's in the central European style and quite took us back to our days in Germany.
Since our return, we've managed to struggle our way through the maze that is IKEA - believe me, it's no fun when you are trying very hard to organise transport and get phone calls in rapid Polish saying that your bed is about to be delivered - and you're on the other side of town.
Tomorrow, we move into the apartment that we've bought. There's no kitchen so we'll be camping out for a couple of weeks but it'll be ok as long as we can keep a sense of humour!! Younger son arrives in a couple of days and will enjoy his third of the investment we hope.
Jobs. We have both managed to find jobs starting January 2nd! That's a bit much for Scots but rather that than no job. Teaching here is very professional and I am glad that my qualifications are actually recognised properly here in Poland. The teachers in the school all have a minimum of a BA, and many have MAs. At last----....
As from tomorrow, I'll have no Internet for a while so the posts will not be online for a while. However, to anyone reading this, I wish you a peaceful and happy Christmas and a very good New Year.