Well, it really has taken this time to get Internet at home and we are now enjoying NOT having to rely on work computers - mainly because they don't work well anyway!
I left the blog in December as we moved into our own little apartment. Since then, we've enjoyed being frequent 'flyers' at IKEA, surmounted the problems of Polish bureaucracy, linguistic problems and finally we seem to have the place as we want it!
For anyone thinking of buying a place here, make sure you either speak Polish, have a good real estate agent, or simply get someone else to do it all for you! Luckily, when it came to the signing of documents there had to be a sworn translator present, which was good. Other possible pitfalls? Well, if by awful chance the City decides you have paid too little (!) for your property, they can fine you and you pay lots of interest etc etc.
Work. We are both working as English teachers = well, that is what we do! The main difference is that we teach from about 0800 for a spell, then there's a huge gap till the afternoon. Sometimes you can teach till 9:00pm; luckily I do till 7:15pm every night. We did remain true to our cause and we "don't do Fridays".
We've had a trip to Wroclaw - a very pretty city. We've seen this place in snow and rain and seen the sun about 6 time in 3 months. Yes - it is winter. We've also had a few days in Budapest - very nice break. Good food etc etc.
I will attempt to write more now I have my Internet - so be patient!Meantime, a photo of Budapest to keep you going!